How to Motivate Employees and Sell More Jewelry
Implementing an incentive program that rewards employees is a win-win for everyone! Your jewelry sales increase, and your hourly employees feel valued by gaining access to higher end accessories that they normally may not purchase. It's a great way to encourage staff to wear your products in and out of store hours. Did someone say 'free promotion' - yes! So how do you get started with an incentive program? See our steps and gain access to our free download below to get started.
1. Decide the Products You Want to Sell Or Move
Do your necklaces just sit at the register? Does that cute bracelet need more love? Decide on the piece of jewelry you want to sell (or choose a category i.e. bracelets) for a set period of time, a month or a week. At the end of the specified period, add up the amount of that product that each employee sold. Use our Tally Sheet to keep track!
Decide the percentage for the incentive reward. We suggest 10-20% of the selling price of the jewelry (10% if the items are subject to any type of discount or sale, up to 20% for full price items.) You could also offer a flat rate incentive - Ex. $5 per pair of earrings sold.
2. Call a Meeting
Make sure your employees know what product is being showcased for the incentive period. Call a meeting or send an email, just make sure everyone is aware. You can also write the product on our Bonus Bucks Featured Jewelry poster and place it near your time sheet or clock in area, so that everyone sees it as they start their shift! Be sure that employees understand how and when the Bonus Bucks will be awarded.
During the meeting you could also give tips to employees on how to sell more jewelry. For example: “Upselling jewelry with an outfit at the dressing room is a great way to complete a look and increase your sales! If your customer steps out of the dressing room with an outfit on, let her know you have the exact jewelry piece to complete her look.” Alternatively, have your top sale person give out tips or tricks that they think would be useful to sell the featured jewelry item.
3. Watch Sales Roll In
With the steps to succeed and a little encouragement, your incentive program will start working! Be sure to have employees track their incentive sales with the tally sheet we’ve included here.
4. Award Employees for their Hard Work!
At the end of the incentive period calculate the amount of Bonus Bucks due to each employee. Rewards are based on either the % amount or the flat rate that was previously established. Your employees can use their Bonus Bucks to purchase jewelry from your store. Use our included Bonus Bucks Checks to issue rewards credits.
For more tips to increase sales in your boutique or small business, check out our #JulioBlog!